If you need help with the above issues, try reading the relevant manuals and readmes. This tutorial will not include any advice on how to compile your scripts, how to add them to critters (or maps, or hexes) in the game, or how to install or use any software (which includes compilers, various modding tools etc.
This is for two reasons: 1) step-by-step tutorials are boring and 2) step-by-step tutorials are generally useless after you've read them one time.
It is rather intended as an introduction to the language, examining what you can and can't do. This tutorial is not a step-by-step tutorial, where I tell you what to do and you copy me. During this tutorial I will always assume that you are simultaneously also reading the mapper manual and that you are reading through existing scripts for clues as to how something works. A modicum of experience with any programming language will make things a lot easier, but is not a requirement, in fact this tutorial will contain some information that many programmers already know. The syntax of the Fallout scripting language is a mix of C preprocessor and Pascal, but it is a very generic language, hence you do not need to know either to be able to write scripts.